SQL Merge



The MERGE statement can be used to insert, update or delete records on a target table based on comparisons to a source table. MERGE provides a clean way to make complex comparisons between tables and take a variety of actions based on results of those comparisons.


A Customers table contains records for everyone that has made a purchase at a store. At the end of the day all transactions must be processed by either updating existing customer records or inserting new ones.

Create example tables

   FirstName        VARCHAR(20)
  ,LastName         VARCHAR(20)
  ,PhoneNumber      VARCHAR(20)
  ,LastPurchase     VARCHAR(20)
  ,IsRepeatCustomer BIT

CREATE TABLE Transaction (
   Customer_FirstName   VARCHAR(20)
  ,Customer_LastName    VARCHAR(20)
  ,Customer_PhoneNumber VARCHAR(20)
  ,PurchasedItem        VARCHAR(20)

Add example rows

INSERT INTO Customer(FirstName,
VALUES ('Alfred', 'Jones',  '802 555 1234', 'Clock',     0),
       ('Ashley', 'Berry',  '802 333 9999', 'Table Saw', 0),
       ('Jeff',   'Probst', '802 222 0000', 'Fire Wood', 0);

INSERT INTO Transaction(Customer_FirstName,
VALUES ('Samantha', 'Smith',    '518 123 9876', 'Apple Basket'),
       ('Henry',    'McDonald', '802 122 4322', 'Trampoline'),
       ('Ashley',   'Berry',    '802 333 9999', 'Saw Blade');

We have these two tables

SELECT * FROM Customer;
SELECT * FROM Transaction;

Customer Table

FirstName LastName PhoneNumber LastPurchase IsRepeatCustomer
Alfred Jones 802 555 1234 Clock false
Ashley Berry 802 333 9999 Table Saw false
Jeff Probst 802 222 0000 Fire Wood false

Transaction Table

Customer_FirstName Customer_LastName Customer_PhoneNumber PurchasedItem
Samantha Smith 518 123 9876 Apple Basket
Henry McDonald 802 122 4322 Trampoline
Ashley Berry 802 333 9999 Saw Blade

Execute MERGE

In the following example, we'll execute the MERGE statement, with Transactions as the source table and Customers as the target table.

MERGE INTO targetCustomerTable t
  USING sourceCustomerTable s
  ON( --Merge condition defined here
      t.Fullname = s.Fullname
  WHEN MATCHED THEN --When matched, update target table
    UPDATE SET t.repeatCustomer = true,
               t.lastPurchase = s.CurrentPurchase
  WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN --When not matched, insert new record
    INSERT(id, Fullname, lastPurchase)
    VALUES(s.ID, s.Fullname, s.CurrentPurchase)


Here's the Customer Table after Merge operation, which adds two new rows and updates one row.

FirstName LastName PhoneNumber LastPurchase IsRepeatCustomer
Alfred Jones 802 555 1234 Clock FALSE
Ashley Berry 802 333 9999 Saw Blade TRUE
Jeff Probst 802 222 0000 Fire Wood FALSE
Samantha Smith 518 123 9876 Apple Basket FALSE
Henry McDonald 802 122 4322 Trampoline FALSE


The MERGE statement will not work correctly if there are multiple rows in the source table that meet the merge condition. The source table should be made unique before executing the MERGE. One good strategy for removing duplicates is by using a CTE

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