Markdown Overview

Markdown is a simple way to format text that is both human readable and can also be easily converted to a webpage. It's goal is author cleanly and display richly. And personally, I find that it translates really well into how I want to *write* out of the box.

Markdown powers Stack Overflow, Github, and a good chunk of the internet, while offering a delicate balance between robust expressiveness in typography, human readability on all platforms, and amazingly simple full text search.

If you're just getting started there are a couple symbols to remember that will help translate text into TEXT! There are plenty of online guides already detailing various flavors, but here's a brief overview contextualized into this site, including which elements are available and how they are displayed.

For some external quick reference guides, you can check out CommonMark or the original Markdown Syntax documentation by John Gruber. If you're converting existing info to Markdown, try Paste 2 Markdown

Markdown Editor / Viewer

For folks getting started with markdown, I highly recommend using an editor that formats markdown while you type. One online option is

If you're working with local files, I highly recommend downloading Visual Studio Code and installing the following extensions:

Syntax Guide

Input Output





> Blockquote **bold**

Blockquote bold


# h1 - Primary
## h2 - Secondary
### h3 - Tertiary
#### h4 - Quaternary

h1 - Primary

h2 - Secondary

h3 - Tertiary

h4 - Quaternary


[link text](
![img alt text](/assets/heart.svg)

link text
img alt text


* un-ordered list
* eggs
* milk

  • un-ordered list
  • eggs
  • milk

1. ordered list
2. home
3. go to 2

  1. ordered list
  2. home
  3. go to 2

Horizontal Rule

Three Dashes: ---
OR three Astrix: ***
OR three Underscore: ___


Here's an awesome markdown table generator if you're copying data from another source

| Name  | Age  |
| ----- |:----:|
| Frida | 10   |
| Buddy | 12   |
| Gus   | 5    |
Name Age
Frida 10
Buddy 12
Gus 5

Syntax Highlighting

For more info on supported languages, see syntax highlighting

var pet = {
name: "Frida",
age: 13

var pet = {
    name: "Frida",
    age: 13


Inline Text



Checkbox Lists

[  ] unchecked item
[x] checked item




Definition List

Term 1
~ Definition 1

Term 2
: Definition 2

Term 1
Definition 1
Term 2
Definition 2




Nunjucks Filters

Embed Tweet

Use Like This

{% tweet "1188837207206977536" %}

Which Displays Like This


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