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Thoughts on designing the hiring process


Hello & Welcome

Strengths Based Questions

Keep Requirements Simple

Groups that tend to be overconfident may apply even if they only meet some, but not all, of the criteria. However, some applicants may feel intimidated and choose not to apply even if they satisfy a good number of criteria. Since we're not hiring for confidence, keep requirements minimal, and evaluate candidates based on their unique strengths.

Give Everyone the Inside Scoop

Your friends are statistically likely to look and act like you - your coworkers shouldn't be. If you'd recommend a friend for the job and give them a heads up on what the overall structure looks like, how many people they might meet with, examples of types of questions that might get asked, then that information should be shared as widely as possible for all candidates.

Some Tweets to Think About

Hiring: values first, aptitude second, specific skills third

@reverentgeek Rent skill. Hire talent.

An Android dev I hired was very shy and wanted to make sure there wouldn't be live coding in the interview. I assured her that's not how I run things. Instead we talked in detail about past projects.

She ended up doing stellar work.

Toxic interviewing would have ruled her out.

Inexperienced interviewers tend to test you on what THEY know (so they can feel a little more secure when they can ding you on an "wrong" answer).

In contrast, great interviewers focus on what YOU know, and facilitating a two-way conversation to explore a mutual fit.

Some of y’all have way too much confidence in your own interviews. If someone with 20+ years of relevant experience fails your coding interview, it takes some damn hubris to assume that the person has been a fraud for two decades.

engineers on a normal work day:
"Hmm, anyone know how to open a folder? Ugh I'll just google it."

engineers interviewing other engineers:
"How is the geodesic distance between quaternions defined and what are the implications for complex rotations in non-euclidean 4-space?"

Tips for Candidates

Hit the Ground Running

Explain a Pivot

If the stars align, and your background is in exactly
If your resume is all about computer repair, and you want to

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