These posts are in Draft Mode and will not be indexed or show up in search.
Deploying a .Net Core Application
How to deploy a .Net core application -
So you've made changes against your local master branch and want them somewhere else
A review of the happy path git workflow and what to do when you find yourself in the #1 predicament in git of making changes against a different working copy than the one you intended. -
Unit testing a private method with a Private Accessor
How to manually add an assembly accessor to a test project in order to test private methods in .NET Framework -
Data Access & Object Relational Mapping in .NET
Some different flavors of how to query data from a database and consume it in your business logic -
Pair Programming Overview
Pair programming types and strategies -
Core Values and Guiding Principles
A high level list of some of the core values -
Why Doc Gov?
What problems are we looking to solve through online documentation, what alternatives exist, and why have we landed here -
A node primer for C#/.NET Developers
A hello world tour through basic concepts in node development through the lens of a Visual Studio project -
How to escape nunjucks in markdown files in Eleventy
Sometimes you want to allow nunjucks to inject data or logic in your md file... other times, you want to write about how to use nunjucks with code examples. Here's how to do both -
Building Gantt Charts in Visio - Tips and Tricks
How to estimate your project roadmap with Gantt charts in Visio -
Creating SVG images with Inkscape - Tips and Tricks
Some introductory mechanics to using inkscape to create and document SVG diagrams -
How to Install the AdventureWorks Database
How to create shareable demos and isolated test cases with sample data from Microsoft's AdventureWorks database -
Difference between Table Variable, Temp Table, Table Type, and Common Table Expression
A summary of the different syntaxes available for storing tabular data in SQL Server and some advice on when to use each -
Thoughts on designing the hiring process
The Department of Health is looking for an application developer to join our team writing software that helps improve health outcomes and health equity across all vermonters -
How to make your Database slow with indexes
Index are an equally great way to eek out performance and also tank it. Figure out to the difference here -
Make your queries SARGable
What are SARGable queries, how to write them, and how do them impact performance -
Exploring Queries with Optional Parameters
What is the perf impact of including every column as an optional parameter in your query and how to best address it -
Intro to Redgate Data Compare
A brief introduction to using redgate data compare -
Run Apps Locally
How to download, setup, configure, and run VDH Apps Locally -
Rolling our own Impersonation with ASP.NET
Forms Authentication + ActiveDirectory MembershipProvider + ASP.NET Impersonation in MVC 5